Web development typically refers to the coding and programming side of website production. When you learn web development, you might start out writing a simple page of HTML text and build up to creating more complex, feature-rich applications designed to be accessed from various Internet-connected devices. Examples of feature-rich web development include e-commerce websites, content management systems (CMS), and social networks. Common programming languages and software web developers may use include Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, PHP, Drupal, and MySQL.
Web developers create and maintain websites. They are also responsible for the technical aspects of a website, such as how fast it loads, how it performs, and how much traffic the site can handle. Web developers may also create content for a website. A web development job description might include any or all of the following:
Introduction to PHP:
Basics of Web Development:
Control Structures:
Working with Files:
Working with Forms:
Error Handling and Exception:
Functions and Arrays:
Working with Databases:
Sessions and Cookies:
Introduction to PHP Frameworks
Introduction to HTML
Elements of HTML
CSS Styling
Text Effects
Border Effects
CSS Advances
Control Structures
Arrays and Objects
Dom Manipulation
Advanced Dom Manipulation
Asynchronous Javascript
Error Handling
Introduction to Es6+
More Es6+ Features
Setting Up Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grid System
Responsive Design
Bootstrap Utilities
Components of Bootstrap
Extending Bootstarp With Plugins
Project Work