Web designing is the process of planning, conceptualizing, and implementing the plan for designing a website in a way that is functional and offers a good user experience. User experience is central to the web designing process. Websites have an array of elements presented in ways that make them easy to navigate. Web designing essentially involves working on every attribute of the website that people interact with, so that the website is simple and efficient, allows users to quickly find the information they need, and looks visually pleasing. All these factors, when combined, decide how well the website is designed.
Web designers create the design and layout of a website with their technical expertise and knowledge while keeping in mind the client’s requirements. They have a deep understanding of UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) and are adept at using design programs for creating visual elements. With their skills and expertise, web designers capture the brand’s identity in the design elements of the website.
Introduction to HTML
Elements of HTML
CSS Styling
Text Effects
Border Effects
CSS Advances
Control Structures
Arrays and Objects
Dom Manipulation
Advanced Dom Manipulation
Asynchronous Javascript
Error Handling
Introduction to Es6+
More Es6+ Features
Setting Up Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grid System
Responsive Design
Bootstrap Utilities
Components of Bootstrap
Extending Bootstarp With Plugins
Project Work