Mern development frameworks
Mern development typically refers to the coding and programming side of website production. When you learn web development, you might start out writing a simple page of HTML text and build up to creating more complex, feature-rich applications designed to be accessed from various Internet-connected devices. Examples of feature-rich web development include e-commerce websites, content management systems (CMS), and social networks. Common programming languages and software web developers may use include Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, PHP, Drupal, and MySQL.
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What do web developers do?
Web developers create and maintain websites. They are also responsible for the technical aspects of a website, such as how fast it loads, how it performs, and how much traffic the site can handle. Web developers may also create content for a website. A web development job description might include any or all of the following:
- Meet with clients to discuss the needs, design, and functionality of a website.
- Write code for the website, using programming languages such as HTML or JavaScript.
- Create and test applications, interfaces, and navigation menus.
- Work with web designers to determine the website’s layout.
- Integrate graphics, audio, and video into the website.
- Monitor website traffic.
Modules of the Course
Module: 1
Introduction to PHP:
- What is PHP?
- Setting up a local development environment (using XAMPP, WAMP, or similar) Basic syntax and structure of PHP code
- Variables, data types, and operators
Module: 2
Basics of Web Development:
- Overview of client-server architecture
- Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Module: 3
Control Structures:
- Conditional statements
- Looping Switch statements
Module: 4
Working with Files:
- Reading from and writing to files
- File manipulation functions
Module: 5
Working with Forms:
- Handling form data using PHP
- Form validation
Module: 6
Error Handling and Exception:
- Handling errors and exceptions
- Custom exception handling
Module: 7
Functions and Arrays:
- Declaring and calling functions
- Passing arguments to functions
- Returning values from functions
- Working with arrays
Module: 8
Working with Databases:
- Introduction to relational databases
- Connecting to a database
- Performing CRUD operations
Module: 9
Sessions and Cookies:
- Managing user sessions
- Setting and retrieving cookies
- Session security best practices
Module: 10
Introduction to PHP Frameworks
- Overview of popular PHP framework (LARAVEL)
Module 1: HTML
Introduction to HTML
- Brief Introduction of HTML
- Building Block of HTML [syntax]
- HTML Tags
Elements of HTML
- Introduction to Elements of HTML
- Attributes
- Working With Lists, Tables
- Working With Hyperlinks,images
- Working With Forms
Module 2: CSS
- Concept
- Syntax
- Selectors
CSS Styling
- Backgrounds
- Text
- Fonts
- Links
- Lists
- Tables
Text Effects
- Text-shadow & Fonts
- Box-shadow
- Text Overflow
Border Effects
- Borders
- Border-radius
- Border Images
- Backgrounds
- Background Size
- Background Origin
CSS Advances
- Display
- Positioning
- Floating
- Navigation Bar
- Image Gallery
- Image Opacity
- Align
Module 3: Javascript
- What is Javascript
- Embedding Javascript in HTML
- Variables and Data Types
- Basic Operations and Expressions
Control Structures
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- Understanding Scope
- Declaring Functions
- Parameters and Return Values
- Expressions Vs. Declarartions
Arrays and Objects
- Array Basics
- Array Methods
- Objects Methods and Properties
Dom Manipulation
- Introduction to Dom
- Accessing and Modifying HTML Elemets With Javascript
- Handling Events
Advanced Dom Manipulation
- Traversing the Dom
- Creating and Removing HTML Elements Dynamically
- Event Delegation
Asynchronous Javascript
- Settimeout and Setinterval
- Understanding Callbacks
- Introduction to Promises
Error Handling
- Understanding Erros
- Using Try_catch Blocks
- Handling Asynchronous Errors
Introduction to Es6+
- Arrow Functions
- Let and Cost
- Template Literals
More Es6+ Features
- Destructuring
- Spread and Rest Operators
- Classes and Inheritance
Module 4: Bootstrap
- What is Bootstrap
- History and Evolution
- Advantages and Features
Setting Up Bootstrap
- Downloading and Installing
- Integrating Into Your Project
- Cdn Usage
Bootstrap Grid System
- Understanding the Grid Layout
- Containers,rows and Columns
- Grid Classes and Breakpoint
- Nesting Grids
Responsive Design
- Creating Responsive Layouts
- Media Queries and Breakpoints
- Designing for Various Devices
- Using Custom CSS With Bootstrap
- Overriding Bootstrap Styles
- Customizing Bootstrap Variables
Bootstrap Utilities
- Spacing Utilities
- Display Utilities
- Flexbox Utilities
- Text Utilities
Components of Bootstrap
- Typography
- Buttons
- Forms
- Navigation
- Alerts and Badgets
- Modals
- Dropdowns
Extending Bootstarp With Plugins
- Overview of Popular Bootstrap Plugins
- Integrating Plugins Into Your Project
Project Work
- Building Project With Bootstrap
- Implementing Responsive Design
- Integrating Components and Utilities
Career Path After PHP
- CMS Developer
- API Developer
- PHP Developer
- E-COMMERCE Developer
- Web Application Developer
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- Experienced Faculty
- Great Training Environment
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- Industrial Training With Live Industrial Projects
- Internationally Certified Programs